In close collaboration with Danish Technological Institute, a consortium led by Copenhagen Airport (CPH) in collaboration with 14 other European partners has won an EU tender to create the sustainable airport of the future. A grant of close to EUR 10 million will be spent to develop and demonstrate specific solutions, exemplifying how an airport can be designed to operate completely without carbon emissions and deliver infrastructure to carbon-neutral aircraft.
Obviously, we are very excited that the European Commission chose our project, and we welcome the opporturnity together with good partners to spearhead the process of developing concrete solutions and concepts for the sustainable airport of the future, says Copenhagen Airport CEO Thomas Woldbye.
Address: Copenhagen Airport, Lufthavnsboulevarden 6, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark
Email: rasmus.baad@cph.dk
Phone: +45 31 32 43 03
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreeement No 957824.
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